Getting Started#

A Simple Example#

After defining a Magql schema, create an instance of MagqlExtension with it. Then call MagqlExtension.init_app() when creating your Flask application.

from flask import Flask
import magql
from flask_magql import MagqlExtension

schema = magql.Schema()

    "greet", "String!", args={"name": magql.Argument("String!", default="World")}
def resolve_greet(parent, info, **kwargs):
    name = kwargs.pop("name")
    return f"Hello, {name}!"

magql_ext = MagqlExtension(schema)

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)
    return app

Run Flask’s development server.

$ flask -A run --debug

You can post queries, for example with with curl:

$ curl --json '{"query": "{ greet }"}'
  "data": {
    "greet": "Hello, World!"

Navigate to to get the GraphiQL UI.

Navigate to to get a text representation of the GraphQL schema document.

Changing the Blueprint#

After creating the MagqlExtension, you can modify it before adding it to the Flask application.

It will use a flask.Blueprint to manage the views it adds. You can modify the blueprint’s properties before it is registered. For example, you could move the URLs under the /api path:

magql_ext.blueprint.url_prefix = "/api"

View Decorators#

You may want apply some decorators to the Magql views. For example, you might be using Flask-Login to manage authentication, and want to limit the API to logged in users. You can pass them in as a list to the decorators param, or modify the MagqlExtension.decorators list after.

from flask_login import login_required

magql_ext = MagqlExtension(schema, decorators=[login_required])
from flask_login import login_required


Decorators are applied in order, so the last in the list is equivalent to the outermost when using @decorator syntax.

decorators=[b, a]

# is equivalent to

def view():

Execution Context#

In order to share data between resolvers, you can pass context data when executing a query. Some examples include passing a database connection or a cache. Since this data can be arbitrary, you’ll define a function that returns that context you know your resolvers need. Decorate the function with MagqlExtension.context_provider().

def gql_context():
    return {"sa_session": db.session}

If you’re using Flask-SQLAlchemy and don’t set your own context provider, Flask-Magql will automatically provide the context {"sa_session": db.session}, which matches what Magql-SQLAlchemy needs. If you use Magql-SQLAlchemy without Flask-SQLAlchemy, or set your own context provider, remember to add the sa_session key.


If an error occurs when executing a GraphQL query, Flask-Magql will set the response status code to 400 if it was a GraphQL-related error, such as syntax, types, and input validation. If an unexpected error occurred, it will set the status code to 500, output the traceback to the terminal, and add the traceback as error.extensions["traceback"] in debug mode.